On this page, you will find a list of resources available for low-income households or for free with no strings attached to help you in your day to day lives
Internet Essentials from Comcast – Affordable internet for low-income households, veterans, and seniors.
Internet Essentials Low Cost Computer – An affordable laptop or desktop with Microsoft Office and Norton Antivirus for eligible customers
Khan Academy – Free personalized learning resources for all ages from a variety of classes from Kindergarten to High School level courses, and test prep for the SAT, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, IIT JEE, and the NCLEX-RN
Coursera – Online education with extensive free options
MITOpenCourseWare – All MIT course material for free
Local food banks – A list of Skagit Valleys local food banks and their opening hours and contact information
Recipes designed around food commonly distributed by food banks
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